Akeda Bagus

Code wrangler

Trying a New Periodization Program — 20 September 2023

Trying a New Periodization Program

For most of the time, I’ve been training based on what I did last week and how I felt today. For some period of time, I could see a progress in key exercises (likely one or two of compound movements), hit a plateau, and did a deload based on how my joints felt. Such approach is not sustainable anymore. I need to apply periodization for my training.

Last week, I decided to write my own program, based on past experiences, to be used for two cycles. A cycle consists of 3 phases: high volume (4 weeks), strength (2 weeks), and peaking (2 weeks). Each week has 4 sessions (D1 to D4). There are two deload weeks in a cycle. The cycle starts with a lower intensity, 65% – 70% of my 1RM (depending on the exercise), and gradually increased over the week. For example, on an upper body exercise like OHP, I’d choose 70% as a starting point while using 65% for more taxing exercise like back squat. To give a better understanding, here’s my programmed cycle (excluding accessory exercises) looks like:

OHPBench pressSquatPull upBench pressOHPFront squatPull up
1 (high volume phase)3×8 of 70%3×8 of 70%65%50%-75%4×7 of 372.5%4×7 of 72.5%65%50-75%
24×6 of 75%4×6 of 75%5×5 of 77.5%5×5 of 77.5%
33×8 of 72.5%3×8 of 72.5%90%90%4×7 of 75%4×7 of 75%90%90%
44×6 of 80%4×6 of 80%5×5 of 85%5×5 of 85%
5 (deload)8×3 of 72.5%8×3 of 72.5%OFFOFF
6 (strength phase)8×3 of 87.5%8×3 of 87.5%80%80%10×1 of 92.5%10×1 of 92.5%
78×3 of 90%8×3 of 90%85%85%10×1 of 95%10×1 of 95%
8 (peaking)8×2 of [previous week + 2.5%*previous week]8×2 of [previous week + 2.5%*previous week]90%90%10×1 of [previous week + 2.5%*previous week]10×1 of [previous week + 2.5%*previous week]
98×1 of 75% of previous week8×1 of 75% of previous week95%95%Max outMax out
10 (deload)3×8 of 72.5%3×8 of 72.5%OFFOFF
Periodization training for a week

There’s a repeated set x reps scheme pattern on each phase — for example, 3×8, 4×7, 4×6, and 5×5 during high volume. There’s no mathematical formula behind this and purely comes from my own experience that works best for me. When cycle 2 starts, I can start with the intensity a bit higher than the first cycle, repeating the same phase, and hopefully ended up with a new 1 RM. I left squat and pull up as blank because I put those exercises in the maintenance mode — just to make sure the strength is maintained. My expectation is to be able to repeat the cycle at most 3 times and switch the prioritization (for example moving up pull up and squat; put OHP and bench press into maintenance mode).

health-calculator package — 23 June 2021
Menunggu Pasien di Ruang ICU — 24 July 2020

Menunggu Pasien di Ruang ICU

Saya akan berbagi sedikit pengalaman menunggu pasien yang dirawat di ruang ICU (Intensive Care Unit). Pasien di ICU umumnya dalam kondisi kritis dan keluarga dekat / wali perlu menunggu 24 jam. Almarhum ayah saya pernah dirawat di ICU selama 7 malam. Saya, istri, dan sepupu ipar berjaga dari malam sampai pagi. Kakak dan ibu saya berjaga dari pagi sampai malam. Ruang tunggu untuk keluarga pasien yang dirawat di ICU umumnya serupa. Anda akan menjumpai keluarga dari pasien lain yang menjaga selama 24 jam juga. Akan ada pengeras suara atau perawat yang rutin memanggil perwakilan pasien. Tergantung kondisi pasien, pemanggilan berulang kali dalam sehari sangat mungkin.

Pemanggilan umumnya dilakukan untuk:

  • Pengurusan administrasi, mengambil obat, atau pembelanjaan keperluan harian pasien (wash lap, popok, dan lainnya).
  • Mengabarkan kondisi pasien.
  • Persetujuan pengambilan tindakan medis. Anda akan disodorkan lembar persentujuan untuk ditandatangani (baik untuk setuju ataupun tidak).

Untuk masuk ke ICU cukup ketat. Ada jadwal kunjung yang perlu diikuti dan hanya 1-2 orang (keluarga dekat / wali) yang boleh masuk. Selain itu hanya boleh masuk kalau dipanggil. Kabarkan kerabat lainnya bahwa pasien belum dapat dikunjungi.

Bagi para penunggu pasien, perlu diperhatikan kesehatannya melalui asupan nutrisi yang baik, bergerak, dan istirahat yang cukup. Untuk tidur, umumnya para penunggu tidur di kursi dan lantai. Saya membeli sleeping bag untuk jaga-jaga kalau harus tidur di lantai. Karena saya dan sepupu ipar biasa bergantian, saya lebih memilih tidur di mobil. Oleh karena itu sangat membantu jika memiliki rekan jaga. Mereka dapat mengabarkan panggilan darurat jika Anda keluar ruang tunggu. Jika tidak ada rekan, dapat bersosialisasi dengan penunggu lain dan minta tolong dikabarkan. Saya mengenal para penunggu yang sudah menginap lebih dari dua malam. Kami berbagi cerita, makanan, dan menghibur satu sama lain.

Jika kondisi pasien sangat kritis dan terus menurun, hindari larut dalam kesedihan. Pikirkan segala kemungkinan dan langkah yang perlu diambil kedepannya. Kalau tidak mengerti medis, hubungi teman atau saudara yang mengerti atau punya pengalaman serupa. Simak baik-baik setiap pernyataan dokter. Sisanya berdoa untuk yang terbaik.

How Funk Music Influences My Workout — 18 February 2020

How Funk Music Influences My Workout

I’ve been listening to Scary Pockets while working out and somehow it helps me to stay moving for hours. There’s a journal covered this topic:

Rhythmic drum patterns with a balance of rhythmic predictability and complexity may influence our desire to dance and enjoy the music. Many people find themselves unable to resist moving their bodies to the thumping beat of hip-hop, electronic, or funk music, but may feel less desire to dance when listening to a highly syncopated type of music, like free jazz.

I used to listen to fast heavy metal songs, but, for me, funk gives a different pleasure while working out.

Utrecht, April 2019 — 17 May 2019
badbeef — 26 February 2019
Command as a Service (cas) — 25 February 2019

Command as a Service (cas)

I just published cas to GitHub. It allows you to execute commands in your server via HTTP.  Commands to execute are defined in YAML config file. The README on GitHub should give you an idea how to use it. Why cas? Well, why not. I need a way for my shell scripts HTTP-exposed so my other projects could utilize them. Most of the time, I started PoC for scraping and parsing with shell scripts.

Simply define and run your flows in browser with simflow — 24 December 2018

Simply define and run your flows in browser with simflow

Most of the time I ended up repeating some flows when interacting with browser. If you’re tired of this, give simflow a try. It’s a CLI tool to define and run your flows with Chrome. Common repeated flows can be something like:

  • Go to internet banking site to download account statement each month.
  • Search image of cat and download them.
  • Test new feature / bug fix in a web project which involves repeated steps (log in, go to blahblahblah, click this, take a screenshot, etc).

With simflow, I define my own flows in JSON config file. Under the hood, it uses puppeteer to drive the browser. But with simflow, you don’t need to code anything. Steps defined in a flow can be as simple as:

  "Goto /search",
  "See searchField",
  "Type in searchField cats",
  "Click searchButton"

Once defined, run it:

simflow -c config.json

To find out more, see its GH project.

Lisbon Day 4 — 21 July 2018
Lisbon Day 3 — 19 July 2018